
interface Replay : Stream

Base replay stream interface.

This interface exposes primitives for controlling media streams, which have a known duration, as well as a current position, which may furthermore be controlled by seeking through the stream.



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Media replay stream playback state.


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@IntRange(from = 0)
abstract fun duration(): Long
Informs about total playback duration.
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Opens a sink from this stream.
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abstract fun pause(): Boolean
Requests playback to pause.
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abstract fun play(): Boolean
Requests playback to start.
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Informs about current playback state.
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@IntRange(from = 0)
abstract fun position(): Long
Informs about current playback position.
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abstract fun seekTo(@IntRange(from = 0) position: Long): Boolean
Requests playback position change.
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abstract fun state(): Stream.State
Informs about current stream state.
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abstract fun stop()
Stops the stream.